Sheraton A.

Tourism and Hospitality

Ethiopia is one of the oldest civilizations, the source of the mighty Nile River, and is endowed with a long-aged heritage and uninterrupted political independence. Located in the horn of Africa’s Rift Valley region and known globally as the origin of mankind, Ethiopia offers a variety of tourism attractions such as Natural, Cultural, Historical, Mystical, Athletics, and MICE.

Ethiopia commands a large and untapped potential for the tourism and hospitality business. The increasing number of tourists and the evolving profile of today’s traveler demand a host of new tourism offerings and infrastructure projects.

Investment areas reserved only for domestic investors

  • Hotel, lodge, resort, motel, guest house, pension services ( excluding those that are star designated)
  • Restaurant, tearoom, coffee shops, bars, night clubs and catering services (excluding star designed national cuisine restaurant services)
  • Travel agency, travel ticket sales and trade auxiliary services
  • Tour operation
  • Transport services (excluding Railway, Cable car, Cold-chain, freight transport having a capacity of more than 25 tones and transport services reserved for joint investment with the government or domestic investors)
  • Producing bakery products and pastries for domestic market

Investment areas reserved for joint investment (domestic and foreign investors)

  • Domestic air transport service
  • Cross country transport service using buses with a seating capacity of more than 45 passengers
  • Urban mass transport service with large carrying capacity

Note that a foreign investor jointly investing with a domestic investor in areas listed above shall not hold more than 49% of the share capital of the enterprise

investment areas open to foreign investors

Investment areas that are not listed herein the above; are open to foreign investors
  • MICE Facilities
  • Star rated tourist hotels and lodges
  • Entertainment and Shopping Centers
  • Tourist Information Shops
  • Tourist Transport and Travel Services
  • Tourism Medical Services
  • Food and Beverage Services
  • Leisure & Sports
  •  Education and Training Facilities