Ministry of Tourism


“Develop the country’s  tourist destinations in collaboration with various stakeholders, market and promote the destination at national and international level through employing competitive marketing and promotional strategies.”


“Making Ethiopia among the top five tourist destinations in Africa by 2025”.


The Growth and Transformation Plan 2010/11-2014/15 prepared and approved by the Federal Government of Ethiopia considered tourism together with culture as cross cutting sectors and set-up as strategic directions to enhance the role tourism and culture play in socio-economic and political development initiatives.

Considering the pace of growth of tourism arrivals and investment in tourism as well as the potential for further development, the new Growth and Transformation Plan for 2015/16-2019/20 has recognized tourism as one of the top five strategic economic sectors in Ethiopia. 

The Ministry of Tourism of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia is established under a new proclamation with a high-level of commitment to spearhead the sector.

The Ministry is mandated with the following missions.

  • Develop and implements sectorial policies, strategies, and legal frameworks to speed up tourism development.
  • Undertake tourism resource mapping and resource identification to develop destinations and diversify attractions with the ultimate objective of ensuring competitiveness.
  • Position and market Ethiopia as the “Land of origins “ and MICE destination in the global and domestic markets. 
  • Facilitates research on conservation and development of natural and cultural heritages for the benefit of tourism and is able to cope with the dynamics in the travel world.
  • Encourage FDI and DDI  in tourism infrastructure
  • Support the sectorial development with research and application  of   Information technology 
  • Establish and manage National Tourism Fund
  • Collect, establish data bank and disseminate sectorial  data and  information
  • Undertake star ratings of hotels and relevant tourism infrastructures and regulate their operation.
  • Collaborate with tourism stakeholders  and  actors operating across different sectors and with regions that own attraction sites
  • Develop research-based proposals of potential natural and cultural heritages to get them registered by UNESCO.
  • Works and collaborates with relevant bodies to protect and develop wildlife parks and sanctuaries  for the benefit of tourism