
The COVID-19 pandemic is causing huge stress on the health care system of all countries in the world. The impact of the pandemic is both social and economic. It is observed that early interventions with optimal Political commitment and community mobilization help to flatten the curve averting occurrence of many cases and deaths. Taking this into account, the government of Ethiopia has taken a lot of measures that includes publishing guidelines such as national comprehensive CoVID19 management handbook, health facility alcohol based hand rub preparation standard operating procedure, CoVID19 clinical management pocketbook continuous awareness creation, preparing and distributing CoVID19 test kits to protect its people and tourists from the pandemic.
Total laboratory test
Total cases
Total recovered
Active cases
Total deaths

Last update: April 15, 2021, the Covid19 chart of Ethiopia

Safe traveling opportunities
during Covid-19

The tourism economy has been heavily hit by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, and measures introduced to contain its spread. Depending on the duration of the crisis, revised scenarios indicate that the potential shock could range between 70-85% declines in the international tourism economy in 2020. Beyond immediate measures to support the tourism sector, countries are also shifting to develop recovery measures. These include considerations on lifting travel restrictions, restoring traveler confidence, and rethinking the tourism sector for the future. Taking this into account the Ethiopian government was taking comprehensive measures and actions focusing on.